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Elizabeth Murdock’s Avatar

Elizabeth Murdock

service program manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Woodstock, Georgia
7 Answers
8297 Reads
11 Karma

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Jalissa’s Avatar
Jalissa Feb 25, 2021 567 views

What does a nurses typical day consist of ? How many years of medical school until actually becoming a nurse?

A sophomore wanting to learn more about the medical field .#doctor #typical day for nurses #doctorate-degree

Rafael’s Avatar
Rafael Feb 26, 2021 1228 views

Any tips on virtual interviews?

I'm a sophomore accounting major. It will be a PWC internship and I am a first generation student being both fluent in English and Spanish. #student #internships

Katarina’s Avatar
Katarina Feb 26, 2021 1162 views

Is a job in the government easier to achieve then a job in medicine such as nursing.

I´m not sure what career I want to do yet, but I am interested in these but I just don´t know how I would get there. #jobs #government #advocacy #medicine #nurse #emt

Maddi’s Avatar
Maddi Feb 26, 2021 1896 views

What are some good job options for college students?

I'm not in college yet, but I'd like some ideas for a few years from now when I do go to college. Also, what should I look for in job while I'm still in school, whether it's highschool or college? I'm planning to apply for jobs this summer, but I've never done this before and don't want to go...

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Feb 26, 2021 889 views

What do you do to help with time management?

What do you do to help manage with balancing work and school? #work #school #parenting

D’s Avatar
D Aug 05, 2020 1730 views

How could I boost my CV to become a product manager eventually?

I've always thought of becoming a strategy consultant, though I fear the opportunity has passed. Lately, I have come to know of product management and took on a course with Udacity and loved it. However, I am really not sure how to get into it from where I am at as there do not seem to be entry...

Hakim’s Avatar
Hakim Feb 26, 2021 742 views

What are some good colleges for engineers? Just for more specific answers I do have a cumulative 3.9 GPA and I´m most interested in coding and computer science

17 year old junior applying to colleges this year #college #engineering #coding