Career questions tagged productmanager

How could I boost my CV to become a product manager eventually?
I've always thought of becoming a strategy consultant, though I fear the opportunity has passed. Lately, I have come to know of product management and took on a course with Udacity and loved it. However, I am really not sure how to get into it from where I am at as there do not seem to be entry jobs. I’d like to know the best approaches to get there. I am fairly old and have rather little experience at this point that I could boast. How should I efficiently use my time to boost my my CV/experience/etc.? Is there a chance at all? #business #productmanagement #productmanager #product-management #noexperience #entry #advice

Which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager (Product Owner) role?
Hey there, Please advise, which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager role? And what is the further carrier path options available for IT Product Manager? What are the key competence required for Product Manager role? Thank you. #IT #ProductManager #Management #carrier #carrierpath #ITproductManager