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Declan’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
2 Questions
102 Karma

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Declan’s Avatar
Declan Mar 15, 2021 709 views

How realistic is it to pursue a job in robotics?

The title is pretty self-explanatory. I'm in 10th grade, I have a strong background in coding, and I'm doing accelerated courses so that I can do calculus and AP stats by the end of high-school.
#engineer #robotics

Declan’s Avatar
Declan Mar 11, 2021 597 views

How much paperwork is involved with being a chemist?

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, or rather I don't know what I don't want to be. I'm interested in science, so my top careers are physicist, chemist, astronomer, and engineer. I've found chemistry really interesting lately but it seems like there would be a bit too much paperwork...