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Chari Gunasekaran’s Avatar

Chari Gunasekaran

3 Answers
5381 Reads
1 Karma
Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 30, 2013 2590 views

What's the best way / place to learn about new programming technologies?

It seems like everyday there are new apps and things coming out. It makes it hard to decide what to learn. What's the best places to find out what I should look into more if I want to become a programmer? I heard I can ask questions about getting into video gaming, and I like that, but I don't...

Josh’s Avatar
Josh Mar 17, 2021 637 views

How hard was it to become a computer scientist?

I was thinking of becoming a computer scientist and was wondering what it took to become one.


Kryston’s Avatar
Kryston Aug 24, 2020 4369 views

Which subjects do you think are we going to be useful for your future ?

#social-work # history #computer-software #math #mathematics #technology