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Trisha Famatigan’s Avatar

Trisha Famatigan

Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
4 Answers
3567 Reads
1 Karma

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Naysa’s Avatar
Naysa Nov 28, 2018 2187 views

Applying for jobs

Should you apply for jobs if you don't have all the recommended skills needed? Can you learn them when you get there? #job-search #resume #job-application

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Mar 24, 2021 809 views

Do you have any advice for someone entering the mental health industry as an undergraduate?

Hello there. I am looking to enter into the mental health field and was looking for any advice or shared experiences you might have. I am currently trying to receive my A.A. and then transfer to my desired university for Psychology. #mental-health #mental-health-counseling

William’s Avatar
William May 05, 2016 896 views

How do I plan my career correctly

My name is William and i want to study music education, and early child development at Pvamu. I want to get advice on how to plan my time and goals. #education #music

lia’s Avatar
lia Mar 13, 2021 540 views

what all streams are there in psychology ,difference between psychiatrist and name some good books to learn psycology basics
