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Nikki C’s Avatar

Nikki C

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
10 Answers
17463 Reads
21 Karma

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ritvik’s Avatar
ritvik Mar 22, 2021 6964 views

describe yourself for an interview

i am in collage and year company come in my collage for placement .and its common question in interview ,so please you help me to how to describe my in front of an stranger #interviews

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 749 views

Whats the most important thing you have learned from highchool

#advice #high-school #advice #internships

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy Nov 13, 2020 1145 views

What's the best way to network with professionals you don't know?

I am a gap year student, going to college next year #GivingisCaring #student #gap-year #internships

MJ’s Avatar
MJ Sep 08, 2020 2416 views

How do I study fashion abroad without going broke?

#fashion #study-abroad #fashion-design #internships

Rafael’s Avatar
Rafael Feb 26, 2021 1231 views

Any tips on virtual interviews?

I'm a sophomore accounting major. It will be a PWC internship and I am a first generation student being both fluent in English and Spanish. #student #internships

Shad’s Avatar
Shad Dec 21, 2020 1816 views

Whats a good way to find a internship

What internships are there at colleges #internships

Erlen’s Avatar
Erlen Apr 06, 2021 724 views

Is this suitable for me?

I have no experience about online job but I will do my best for my work #first-job

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Apr 09, 2021 1211 views

How do you find what you want to major in college?

I am a current senior and planning on attending college at UCSC and am registered as undeclared. #College

tanishka’s Avatar
tanishka Apr 10, 2021 1115 views

how will i know what i want to become

i am student of class 10th. neither too good nor too bad in studies. i haven't choose till know what i want to become. all of my family members are asking me what i want to become , bit still i don't know.. i think i can take commerce in 11th. i can say that i am a good speaker, listener, and...

Eshan’s Avatar
Eshan Mar 28, 2021 1311 views

How does a high school junior with no work experience get a job?

I'm a high school junior trying to find a summer job to enrich my experience . #jobsearch #high-school-jobs