Career questions tagged modeling

What brand will accept me to start modeling
I want to start modeling at a very young age

What is a good collage to go to for being a model?
I have been looking into being a model because it is one of my biggest dreams. And i would like to know what collages in witch states wpuld be good to go to, to be a model

I love modeling,it as always been my dream and passion, how can I become an international model
What is the requirements needed to get into a global modeling agency, I believe I have good posture and elegance, danced ballet and is currently studying journalism

I’ve always wanted to be a model even though I’m shy and anxious. How can I become a model with these traits?
I am very outgoing with my friends and family but I get scared in new environments. I’ve always had the perfect height for a model but I also hated it as I was taller than most of the people. I want to be confident and bold.

how do I start modeling as a teen girl?
I've always been told that I should model by my family and teachers, only now am I realizing that it's actually something I'm capable of doing. I have looked in to it a bit but I really have no idea where to start and need some guidance to get me started.

How do I start my modeling career I’ve always wanted to be one but never knew where to start.?
I’m graduated from high school, really into music, traveling, living in the moment, take pictures for memories, ready to start asap.

How can i get into modeling?
Am really into modeling,I wanna see myself in front of the screen,it has always been my passion and now I think it's time to showcase my talent.

How to get more involved in the modeling world?
To be more specific, how to build a portfolio/a name for myself. I'm 16 and want to start thinking about a potential career in modeling, just tips are needed especially since it's pretty barebones in my area so more on hands actions aren't available.

Fashion modeling ?
Fashion modeling That’s what I like doing and I have potential but I don’t know where to start at all

what,how and why can i be successful in fashion modeling?
what,how and why can i be successful in my fashion modeling

What does it take to joing a modeling agency?
Hello! I would like to take this opportunity to ask you the process of joining an Agency. It feels grate to join an agency and express the art of fashion so my question is what do i do to join,do you email us back after qualificiation or you call us,do we travel,do we do fittings and photoshoots?

How do i become a model and part of an agency?
I want to wear the fashions made. I want to model for a cloth brand. My name is Neima 17 years old and 2025 is my last year in collage! I am interested in modeling because am looking for forward to expressing art,fame,and show what i can do because many laughed and doubted me but i want my time to shine so bright.I want to be called a model by the age of 18 and above.I am so excited through this journey and i hope all goes well.Thanks

How to become a model in a place of little opportunities
Am a university student I want to get into modeling but have not found an opportunity and I can’t raise money

How do I start modeling if I'm 15? I'm online, so school isn't a worry but I have a hard to motivate myself and I wanna do my walke in my room and to probably take digitals with my phone
I'm 15 and I wanna be a model but I'm 15 I can't model outside because my weather is always crazy and idk how to take digitals without filters to get me sign

Im 16 years old and I want to start modeling or get into this environment, I also want to know about business.
Im 16 years old and I want to start modeling or get into this environment, I also want to know about business.

what are modeling and fashion about? how can you get into this type of environment?
what are modeling and fashion about? how can you get into this type of environment?

What should I choose to be a data scientist?
I am really much interested in data science and machine modeling things. so which course should i study and which universities provide bachelor's degree in data science?

How do i start modeling after high school?
im 17 years old and ive been taking pictures of my outfits sine freshmen year and now im a junior and id love to model outside of school instead of in there only

What should I do to pursue a career in modeling and criminology in college?
I'm in my last year of high school going to college this fall and ever since I was younger I always wanted to model.

How can one get scouted for modeling at a young age?
I'm a 14-year-old girl, in high school, I have always wanted to model, I'm 5'6,117 pounds, and can model walk in heels, but I have not yet found a modeling agency near me.

Best way to become a video gamer designer/game developer.?
How to model, animate, and code.