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Sunil Alluri’s Avatar

Sunil Alluri

Senior RF Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
3 Answers
3192 Reads
22 Karma

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Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 621 views

What are good colleges to go to in New York that have good medical programs?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Mar 26, 2021 2184 views

Is it okay to cold email professors who I'd like to do graduate research with?

It's time to think about applying for graduate school! I want to email some professors to learn more about their research group and fields of study. Is that acceptable or might it count against me in the application process? #PhD #graduate-school #research #grad-school #applications #physics...

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 11, 2016 1319 views

if i get a degree in computer programming, will it be difficult to find a job?

i really like programming but everyone says that ill never find a job, is that true? #jobs #school #programming #coding