Julian Mitchell
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How do I get a living by writing books - should I also have a side job?
I wrote a book and am working on the second in a series. How do authors get a living by writing because I don't really want to become an editor, agent, or anything like that. I just want to write books. Should I also get a side job?
#writing #author #jobs

How do you know what you want in your life, what do you want to become and who do you want to become.
I am 19 years old. I have little experience with jobs but I attend to learn more and push myself. When it comes to a task I tend to think I know when I am doing but sometimes I do not know and freeze. I want to learn to be more confident. #College

i want to become a interior designer i know that drawing or sketching is necessary for that but i am not good in sketching so what can I do for that