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Diandre'’s Avatar


Laurinburg, North Carolina
4 Questions
186 Karma

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Diandre'’s Avatar
Diandre' May 05, 2016 970 views

Is there any required college courses to become a detective?

I am an explorer and is trying to set my career path #law #police #law-enforcement

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Diandre' May 05, 2016 1484 views

Could I go straight into Law Enforcememt, when I get out of high school?

I am an explorer and is trying to set my career path #law #police #law-enforcement

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Diandre' May 04, 2016 1221 views

Do you need law enforcement background such as security and etc. to be a good cop

I am an explorer and is trying to set my career path #law #police #law-enforcement

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Diandre' May 04, 2016 974 views

Do you go to college, then B.L.E.T( Basic Law Enforcement Training)

I am an explorer and is trying to set my career path #law #police #law-enforcement