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manifesting’s Avatar


Cebu City, Central Visayas, Philippines
2 Questions
112 Karma

manifesting’s Career Goals

I am a junior high school student. I want to be a Lawyer, I enjoy reading, researching, and asking professionals about it, except when you consider that I am not confident about my knowledge and scared of public speaking. I am here to improve, for inspiration and to explore ideas, and gain knowledge from experienced individuals. I am manifesting. I will not refuse to learn, I will improve and develop. I will come back and instead of asking questions, I will be the one answering and supporting those who are making an effort to be better in achieving that career they wanted. All the best!


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manifesting’s Avatar
manifesting May 25, 2021 9752 views

Is Mathematics necessary in studying law?

#law #lawyers #studyinglaw #highschool #corporate-law #women-in-law #pre-law #law-school

manifesting’s Avatar
manifesting May 25, 2021 1482 views

what's the best strand when taking accountancy as a pre-law course?

I will be a senior high school student in a few years, and I'm not still sure and confident. I hope those who have experienced will share their opinions. #student #high-school #law #lawyer #attorney #women-in-law #pre-law