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Jayme McBreen’s Avatar

Jayme McBreen

Partner Business Manager
Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Fort Collins, Colorado
7 Answers
4830 Reads
11 Karma

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McKenzie’s Avatar
McKenzie Jun 08, 2021 670 views

When looking for colleges that best fit me and my career goals what should I be looking for?

#college-advice #college-major

Kiran’s Avatar
Kiran Feb 25, 2017 1625 views

Can we do minor in any subject after graduating high school?

I want to learn programing but I don't want to do 4 year becholar degree in computer please suggest me #computer-software #majors-and-minors #minor #20 #college-minors

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie Jun 28, 2021 967 views

How might I seek to balance motherhood and a demanding work schedule as a female interested in medicine?

Hello! My name is Madeline Tinskey, and I am very interested in pursuing a medical career, perhaps in neurology or as an OBGYN. I am an upcoming junior in high school, and enjoy learning and sharing information with others.

#medicine #healthcare #motherhood #femaledoctor #doctor #obgyn #neurologist

Brody’s Avatar
Brody Jun 08, 2021 947 views

What else can I do to stand out to higher level colleges

I receive good grades and do extra activities, but I just want to be as prepared as I can. #college-advice

Kialy’s Avatar
Kialy Jan 21, 2018 907 views

Is there any way I can get in-tution for a non-resident freshman at Colorado State University?

A person I talked to at my high school told me that she is getting an in-state tuition for an out of state university and I was wondering if Colorado State University did anything like this. This school is one of my top schools and even with scholarships the total cost for one year is still...

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Feb 25, 2021 879 views

What is a career that involves business and travel?

#traveling #business #travel #international #jrhighschool #college #profit #income #stocks #companies