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Peter Chan’s Avatar

Peter Chan

Software Engineer, Zynga
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Francisco, California
2 Answers
30858 Reads
1 Karma

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Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Oct 02, 2013 29065 views

What's a job I can do if I like to talk to people all the time?

I'm really good at talking to people, and I think I can make people like me when I talk to them. What jobs can I do that make me enough money where I can use my gifts? #communications #communication

Mike Henderson’s Avatar
Mike Apr 27, 2012 1987 views

How can I improve my business?

What is a few touch ups i should add to my business to make it much better than other companies(competition)
answers are appreciated currently i began and only recieved about 5 to 6 people to actually buy my products and im wondering is that a good start up