Career questions tagged testing

What resources do you recommend for preparing for the SAT?
I will take the SAT soon, and just wondering how and where I can get resources to better prep me when I take the test.

Does it matter?
i have taken the A levels and failed it 3 times, is tho going to cause anything on my profile or resume? And if i can take the a levels what should i do?

How do I study for the AP Biology exam?
I would like a 4 or 5 on the AP Biology exam but my teacher does not teach at all. We mostly do 3-4 packets and one lab before a test and the our tests are just memorization. I have not learned anything in the class.

How do I get an A in AP biology ?
I currently have an 83.5% in AP Biology my averages are usually in the 35 range when it's supposed to be in the 65 range. But with retakes, I managed my current B in class. However, I won't have the retake support for my last chapter and final exam, and I need to score well to manage an A. Our exams are based on college board questions so you're meant to score in the 60-70 range. I have tried studying the textbook and my teacher is not much help. What should I do?

Free Response Questions ideas??
When writing FRQs what are the best things to write about?

Is it true that colleges are not looking into SAT or ACT scores?
I struggle with standardized testing. Many of my classmates and students my age are taking the SAT. If I consider going test optional, will that lower my chances to getting into my dream colleges(UCs)?

What is the best way to prepare for the SAT ? How can I find scholarships? How can I manage my time better?
I'm a sophomore I just want additional advice such as websites and helpful links that are preferably free courses to help me prepare to get the best score possible. I've also been really searching for scholarships and I haven't caught any I'm passionate on preferably things with writing or history. I'm also an advanced student and i'm always struggling to manage my time as the classwork just piles on top of each other and I end up depriving myself of my basic needs just to stay academically head.

how cn someone become a doctor?
what are the requirement for a person to becom a doctor

How to become an Amazon Product Tester?
Tell us everything we need to know to become an Amazon Product Tester! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

How can I study for SAT and how to feel better about it?
hello, my name is John and I have the sat test coming up. I am extremely stressed and worried and don't know what to do about it. how can I study for it? what to expect and how to get a good score.

How would you get Merit Scholarships from colleges if you don't submit an SAT score?
I have an average SAT score but have an unweighted GPA of 4.0, have taken a mix of honors and college classes, and are part of a large array of extracurriculars. If I decide not to submit my SAT score, will colleges that are test-optional still accept me and give me a generous amount of scholarship money?

Are SAT and ACT very important in university?
I took the PSAT ( Pre-sat) this year, and my math score was better than my English, And some people including our school counselor is saying SAT is not very very important in the application, but some of my teachers and my family are saying it's very important, and you have to get a good score on it. I am stuck between this.

What does a software testing engineer do and how do you become one?
I'm learning html, css and javascript on my own and starting to look at job postings to see which areas of technology most interest me. I thought I'd be going the route of web development but I came across a post for a Manual Automation Tester and it sounds so interesting. Here's the description: "The team is looking for a test engineer that can help ensure the team produces quality deliveries. The services that this team creates will be in a microservice architecture, running in Kubernetes on AWS. The services will handle millions of REST calls per day. The service work will be primarily greenfield (created from the ground-up). The project management style is Agile, with elements of both Kanban and Scrum. The role of the Test engineer is to perform black box testing of the REST services, with a focus on functional testing. This includes alpha testing, acceptance testing, ad-hoc testing, and back-end validate of databases. The Test engineer will work closely with developers on a daily basis." Can someone please tell me in plain English what this job actually is? I'm a really detail oriented person and I might like this field, but I barely know what they're talking about, lol. I've heard of Agile but not clear on what it is. Many thanks! #computers #software #engineering #testing #Agile #databases

What is the best way to study and prepare for the SAT exam?
#high-school #advice #testing

How do I study for the CASPer test?
I am hoping to get into OT grad school. How can I study for the CASPer test? When should I take the test? Is it difficult? may I please have some tips thank you! #JULY20 #testing #CASPERtest #grad-school #Occupational-therapy #tips #medicine

What is the best way to prepare for the GRE? Also, when is the best time to take it?
I'm in the middle of my undergraduate Exercise Physiology degree and getting ready to apply to PT school in about 2 years. #physicaltherapy #graduateschool #testing #GRE #JULY20

What are some priorities needed to be a Pipe Welder or do Pipe tests?
#testing #welding #pipewelder

What is it like being a lawyer and what school things do you need to learn
It would be helpful to know subjects and tests and test scores. #lawyer #testing #college-admissions

I am a good student but I have a 1270 SAT score is it possible for me to be accepted to and IVY League university?
#college-admissions #college #testing #university #college-selection