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Rishin Pandit’s Avatar

Rishin Pandit

Software Engineering Intern
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Herndon, Virginia
3 Answers
4391 Reads
11 Karma

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Somaiya’s Avatar
Somaiya Jun 17, 2021 1631 views

What skillsets should I cultivate during my time in undergrad?

Hello! I was wondering what sorts of skill sets I should be gathering during my time as an undergraduate that will be making me a great candidate for future jobs.

#job #career #college

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Apr 22, 2021 2013 views

What’s a day in the life of a clinical data analyst?

I am a medical technologist looking to get into the field of data analytics, particularly for healthcare and/or clinical research. I am curious what a day in the life of a clinical data analyst is like and what skills you find most important? #data #analytics #clinical #healthcare

Hossain’s Avatar
Hossain Jun 16, 2021 956 views

What are some good places to find Computer Science based internships?

Hello! I am from New York. I am majoring in Computer Science and Economics at Boston College. #computer-software #computer-science #college #webdev