Hajro Kadribeg, CFA
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If you were able to make a change to the industry what would it be?
I have had a hard time deciding what it was I wanted to look further into and make my career. I have decided on special effects and animation not being able to see any negatives in my opinion and enjoying everything it offers. So please give me what you see as a negative or something that could...

What should I do if I want to become a financial analyst?
I like math. I’m interested in majoring in Accounting or finance/ business.
#Profit #business

Is it strange to have such diverse career goals? How do I go about wanting to do something with art, being a 911 operator, and being an elementary school teacher?
During my 12 years of school, I was "encouraged" to go to college, but it was more like manipulation. It was more like a life or death situation when it came to the topic of college, which essentially drove me away from wanting anything from it. During high school, I wanted to do more with art,...

I need help! I have tudied and gone to further my studies but I find myself lost with no career aspirations. I dont know what career to follow. I feel I dont know or can identify what my passion is. How can I find a career?
The jobs I have had happen to be in leadership and the opportunities kind of fell on my lap, but also they're short-lived. So I have a cv that sounds impressive,with these job titles but in reality I dont have proper experience. Now looking for work I dont know where to look. I feel lost with...

What are the different jobs you can have at a bank?
Hi, I'm a high school student and I've been trying to think of what I want to be when I am older. I think I want to do something relating to finance and money but I'm not sure. I would like to know more about banking specifically. Thanks!
#banking #finance #student