Jeremy Zollman
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What is the hardest thing about being a manager?
I've always wanted to be a leader. I want to manage a large team of people in my career. I think I have what it takes to inspire a team to work hard but i'm also nervous about having this kind of responsibility. What would you say is the hardest thing about managing people and why?

To run and own a business how much college is advised? Masters, bachelor?
I am interested in running my own business some day and just want to know what it's going to take to be successful. #entrepreneurship #masters #buisness #bachelor #enterprise #franchise-leadership

What made you want to work in sales for a tech company over working in sales in other industries?
I've been told I'd be great at sales, but I'm not sure where to start looking for jobs. Why do you do sales for the company you work for? What should I look for in a company to work for right out of school? #technology #sales