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Wailan Jackson’s Avatar

Wailan Jackson

Business Development & Strategy
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Francisco, California
4 Answers
3252 Reads
11 Karma

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Aman’s Avatar
Aman May 23, 2021 1836 views

I want interview tips

My self Aman chouhan, I am pursuing BBA in Sage University, Indore. My hobbies are learning new things. #interviews #college #career #hiring #job-search

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jun 23, 2021 642 views

I’m not sure what i’m interested in, what can help me with that?

#young #positive #dreamer

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 02, 2016 978 views

What different career paths can an economics major pursue?

I am interested in majoring in economics because I am interested in the field of business and was wondering what potential careers could build off of this degree. #business #career #economics #degree

Kelly ’s Avatar
Kelly May 25, 2016 919 views

What if you don't qualify for financial aid to go to college because your parents make too much money, but your parents won't help you out to pay for college. What are other ways to pay for college.

My parents make too much money #degree #general