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MaKaylah’s Avatar


Selma, Alabama
2 Questions
82 Karma

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MaKaylah’s Avatar
MaKaylah Jul 15, 2021 803 views

What is it like being a camera operator?

Hello! I am very interested in pursuing a career as a camera operator! I have some experience working with robotic cameras at church as a volunteer, and believe this is something I would enjoy doing as an actual job. What are some things I should know if I want to pursue this industry?...

MaKaylah’s Avatar
MaKaylah Jul 14, 2021 1879 views

What does a Medical Record's Specialist do on a day-to-day basis?

I am a 24-year-old student of Montgomery Job Corps Center in Alabama, looking into becoming a Medical Records Specialist. #healthcare #medical-administrative-assistant #medical-records #administration #medical