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Devin Hood’s Avatar

Devin Hood

Digital Marketing
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Morgan Hill, California
2 Answers
1661 Reads
21 Karma

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Mrunal’s Avatar
Mrunal Jul 19, 2021 710 views

Will there be any jobs available for me if don't complete my doctorate in psychology and only masters?

I personally want to complete my master's in psychology and not doctorate....but I'm not quite sure if there is a scope for the job if I do. Also, I'm a bit concerned about the pay too! Would really appreciate your help on this. #psychology #counseling

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 06, 2016 1929 views

How much does college GPA matter when applying for a job?

As an honors college student with a 4.0 GPA, I want to know how much my resume would drop in value if my GPA went down to say a 3.5 or lower. I want to push myself to the hardest I can, but not be too disappointed if I get a B somewhere down the road. #college #professional #career-path...