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Providence, Rhode Island
2 Questions
31 Karma

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Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie May 05, 2016 1015 views

Double majoring?

I know for a fact that I want to major in a science when I go off to college. I am having trouble with figuring out the best option for that. I know for a fact i want to major in a biology of some sort. Would it be possible to major in biology and then minor in either cellular biology or maybe...

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie May 05, 2016 1114 views

Where is the best place an internship for Biology or Marine science ?

I am planning to either major in Biology or Marine Science when I go off to college. I was wondering if there were interesting internship to apply for that will give me more experience so I can narrow which field I want to specifically major in. I am hoping to find a science that i can fall in...