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Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
3 Questions
218 Karma

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vycesika Sep 20, 2021 519 views

I want to do clinical psychology, but i did my bachelors degree in commerce stream. is it possible to take clinical psychology without doing the bachelors in the same field. if yes, i would like to know which university admits it.

#psychology #counseling #college-major #college

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vycesika Aug 27, 2021 727 views

I have planned on moving to Ireland, Dublin. which university is the best for learning Pyschology?

#university #college #psychology #counsellor

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vycesika Aug 25, 2021 726 views

I finished my under graduation this june 2021. I'm a graduate now. but I really want to learn psychology and make a career out of it. i want to become a counsellor (therapist). which course should i take in order to become a therapist, i mean there are a lots of fields in psychology and i really need help.

#psychology #career #counseling #clinical-psychology #therapy