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William’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
6 Questions
281 Karma

William’s Career Goals

After observing the questions that have been answered, I decided to major in engineering instead of computer programming. In the future, I'll go on college tours to see which colleges have excellent programs, classes, or internships that have engineering involved in them. This way I can learn about the topic.



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William’s Avatar
William Apr 03, 2022 714 views

What college courses should I take to become an engineer?

I'm a junior in high school that wants to major in engineering. I'm also taking classes to achieve my major. However, I was wondering about the different college courses that I should take to become an engineer.

William’s Avatar
William Apr 03, 2022 606 views

What are the challenges that engineers deal with?

I'm a junior in high school that wants to major in engineering. I'm also taking classes to achieve my major. However, I was wondering about some challenges that engineers might have to deal with in their careers

William’s Avatar
William Feb 03, 2022 1230 views

Do you need to be good at building objects in engineering besides math?

I'm a junior in high school that wants to major in engineering. I'm also taking classes to achieve my major. However, I wonder if you need to be good at constructing objects in engineering besides being good at math. #engineering #math

William’s Avatar
William Feb 03, 2022 786 views

What kind of fields requires engineering?

I'm a junior in high school that wants to major in engineering. A few classes that I'm taking to achieve my major are a hybrid math class and a physics class. But, I'm wondering what kinds of fields require engineers. #engineering #math #engineer

William’s Avatar
William Oct 07, 2021 828 views

What are some key skills to have in an engineering major?

I'm a junior in high school and I'm interested in pursuing an engineering major. How I'm getting to my engineering goal is by taking classes that are related to engineering. But, I'm wondering what are some key skills to have as an engineer.

#engineering #engineering skills

William’s Avatar
William Sep 14, 2021 511 views

What are some careers that involves computer science or math?

I'm a high school student that wants to become an engineer. Some classes that I'm taking to prepare for my future career are a hybrid math class, physics class, and a advance computer science class. #engineering