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Satya Dasika’s Avatar

Satya Dasika

Lead Developer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Folsom, California
8 Answers
5334 Reads
32 Karma

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camila’s Avatar
camila Oct 07, 2021 602 views

what do you study for computer science

so far im liking it but i want to know more about it and see what comes next # #computer-science

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Sep 28, 2021 614 views

What do you believe is the best programming language or web framework for full-stack developers today?

#technology #software #programmer

Dejaunae’s Avatar
Dejaunae Sep 30, 2021 740 views

Is software engineering a good career path

#computerscience #technology #softwareegineer

Anastassia’s Avatar
Anastassia Sep 29, 2021 898 views

What is a skill you must have to succeed in Computer Science?

I don't know what I want to study yet and I want to broaden my knowledge about everything to get a better understanding of where I want to go. #college #computer-science

Dante’s Avatar
Dante Sep 15, 2021 996 views

What are some tips on learning and improving on coding java?

I am junior and have just started to learn about Java. #computer-programming #Java #high school

Ching’s Avatar
Ching Sep 14, 2021 436 views

What is the highest level of study in computer science?

High school student #atleastonehashtag

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Sep 15, 2021 479 views

What are the benefits of being a computer science engineer apart from the obvious reason being income?

I am looking into majoring in computer science when I go to college and hope for a job that I personally can find fun and have a stable amount of income. #computer-science #computer-programming

Kailun’s Avatar
Kailun Sep 14, 2021 580 views

Will AI make fields like computer science less and less require for human coding?

I'm a student that is interested in computer science but with the rise of AIs in different fields, will it make fields like computer science less and less to request human coding? #computer-science #coding