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Livia Khemmoro’s Avatar

Livia Khemmoro

Law Clerk
Legal Occupations
Detroit, Michigan
5 Answers
5720 Reads
1 Karma

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Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Aug 31, 2021 1464 views

What is one of the most important things I have to say in a job interview?

#job #interviews #job-search #job-application

Shengyang’s Avatar
Shengyang Sep 16, 2021 502 views

How can I success

What is success means for yall?#career

xavier’s Avatar
xavier Sep 17, 2021 696 views

how did you start to know that the job you picked would have been a great opportunity or a well loved job?

#career #automotive #auto mechanics

Dejah’s Avatar
Dejah Sep 17, 2021 1019 views

If you could time travel and speak to yourself , what would you tell your former self before reaching this point in your career to ensure your experience was easier or more accurate?

#advice #prepare #fashiondesigner # management #businesswoman #college #career

junhua’s Avatar
junhua Sep 17, 2021 1389 views

Is it hard to have a career?

I'm thinking of having career, is it hard? #career