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Coalisland, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
6 Questions
531 Karma

Yasmine’s Career Goals

I want to study marketing in uni



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Yasmine’s Avatar
Yasmine Apr 29, 2022 1816 views

How did you get into your current job? what is your story? did you know you wanted to do that? what was your struggle?

I just want to know your story and get a lesson or be inspired.

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Yasmine Nov 16, 2021 1983 views

What to write on my personal statement, for marketing?

I am writing my personal statement, therefore I would like some tips on how to properly write it.
#marketing #business #university #personalstatement #write #college #writing

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Yasmine Oct 20, 2021 1875 views

How can I be more creative? as a student that wants to study marketing, I feel like I am not very creative. How marketing professionals come up with those creative and great ideas?

I am a student interested in marketing, I am willing to learn more about sector. #marketing #business #marketing-and-advertising #communication #question #answer

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Yasmine Oct 15, 2021 609 views

What companies offer a job in marketing around the world or specifically in the UK (Northern Ireland)

I am a student interested in studying marketing, however, i would like to know what companies offer a job in this sector. This could be for the future or it could be for a work experience. #marketing #business #career #business-management

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Yasmine Oct 14, 2021 771 views

What can I do as a student in this pandemic season? What opportunities can I take? What can I do to have experience?

I want to study marketing, this is my last year school, #marketing #opportunities #business #internship

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Yasmine Oct 08, 2021 703 views

What can I do before I go to uni study Marketing? what can I do while I am in school?

I am currently studying year 14 in the UK and I want to study Marketing in university #marketing .