Matt Magee
Tags on answered questions

How does companies get their idea for the software?
For example, how did TikTok get their idea of the app?

What education should I acquire if I want to work in an office setting as an IT/Computer Repair Technician?
So far I am working towards my office administration certificate as well as my computer technician certificate. From there I was wondering what my next step should be, I was considering getting an accelerated college degree once I was out of trade school but I know there's online certificates...

why do software engineers make so much money?
senior looking forward to becoming a software engineer. curious on why their salary is so high and why they are so needed...

What languages are most common in game developing, opposed to computer engineering in a corporate setting, if there is a difference?
I'm a student learning Java in a high school class, and have also learned python between experimenting by myself and at a summer camp. I want to know what languages, if any, I should be focusing on or if I should just try and learn as much as possible. #computer-software #programming