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Tenia Green’s Avatar

Tenia Green

Marketing technology
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Hayward, California
4 Answers
7431 Reads
1 Karma

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Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Jan 22, 2018 947 views

What the best way to have a Career in Technology?

#technology I want to learn more about the insides and outsides of technology like phones, computer , consoles, and other machines.

Mitchell’s Avatar
Mitchell Sep 14, 2016 6719 views

What is the best way to improve your public speaking skills?

Public speaking is basically my biggest fear in the entire world. I pretty much try dodging every obstacle possible when it comes to this topic. This is a strong phobia of mine that just eats away at me. If I were to practice speaking when I know I have a presentation or something big coming up...

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Oct 28, 2021 663 views

What should I expect from choosing the IT/tech career path?

#IT #Technology #Career