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Jeff Zellmer’s Avatar

Jeff Zellmer

CFO Consultant
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Morgan Hill, California
4 Answers
12937 Reads
2 Karma

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Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Oct 07, 2019 1152 views

Should I shift my course even if it's my passion?

I'm currently studying AB Literature (sophomore year) and I love my course. I love my readings, my teachers, my block mates, I love everything about literature; it has always been my passion. But I realised that I'm not going to use my degree in the future. I have no interest in becoming a...

Maddy’s Avatar
Maddy Oct 19, 2021 2387 views

Is studying abroad a good idea for an International Marketing major?

I was wondering if studying abroad for some of college would be good if I want to travel as a job in business or marketing. #business #marketing #college #study-abroad

Kelvin’s Avatar
Kelvin Oct 05, 2021 7253 views

Is a double major in Computer Science and Economics a valuable double major to pursue?

I am a junior in high school. I'm interested to learn more about what you can do with these two majors and how these two majors can benefit off of each other.
#college-major #major #computer-science #investment-management #finance #business #economics #computer-science

Zaliah’s Avatar
Zaliah Oct 25, 2021 2466 views

How do you manage a good work-life balance?

How do you manage a good work-life balance with your profession? #time-management #business