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Aiden’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
5 Questions
532 Karma

Aiden’s Career Goals

I'm interested in becoming a computer programmer at anywhere that would accept me. Maybe I'll change my mind later down the line but right now I think I have the skills to occupy such a profession.


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Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Dec 09, 2021 1087 views

How long could I be in debt after college?

College is extremely expensive and there's no way I can't be in debt.
#college #money #financial-planning

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Aiden Dec 09, 2021 2005 views

What is the difference between college and university?

I'm wondering if it would matter on a resume if you went to a university or not or something
#college #university #resume

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Aiden Nov 07, 2021 1395 views

How useful are internships?

I'm wondering if attending an internship would help my chances at getting an actual job, and if it matters if it's paid or not.

Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Nov 07, 2021 509 views

What are some colleges/universities with engaging classes?

I'm interested in becoming a computer programmer and I'd like to know if there were classes that are known to not bore me to death.
#computer-programming #college

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Aiden Nov 07, 2021 6152 views

What is important on a resume?

I was wondering what are important things to be put on resumes and what things don't matter
#resume #job-application