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Laeki Hester’s Avatar

Laeki Hester

Health Educator
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Farmington Hills, Michigan
6 Answers
6257 Reads
1 Karma

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Eduardo’s Avatar
Eduardo Sep 01, 2017 1651 views

How can I better myself as a person daily?

I want to become the best possible person I can become. #Greatness #personal-development #professional-development

Rondhel’s Avatar
Rondhel Nov 02, 2021 613 views

What is majoring in Psychology like?

I'm currently interested in Psychology. What are some standard knowledge I should know.
#psychology #college #college-major

Elise’s Avatar
Elise Jun 18, 2021 2208 views

What is the best way to 'ace' an interview?

#interviews #job-application #career

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Jul 22, 2020 834 views

What should I do to get a scholarship that will cover my tuition for college?

#scholarship #financial-aid

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Nov 03, 2021 571 views

Where can i find more info about college beside my schoo?

#college #college-advice #college-selection #career #college-bound

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 04, 2021 1060 views

Is it better to live in a dorm or rent an apartment in college?

What are the pros and cons of each and how does it affect your everyday life? #college #university #college-major #college-advice #dorm #cost