Career questions tagged professional-development
How can I show employers I am the right candidate for a position?
What do I do to make myself more appealing to employers? As I enter the job market with little experience in the communications field, I’m finding myself kind of hitting a wall and losing motivation to continue applying since I have yet to receive any positive feedback. What can I do to show employers that I am capable of a position even though I have little experience?
How do you overcome your natural shyness to effectively network?
I'm really shy, so the idea of networking makes me really uncomfortable. My shyness is keeping me back from making impactful connections. How do I overcome it?
What should I wear to a interview?
I know this title is quite general, but once I saw a video saying you shouldn't carry a backpack to a interview but instead a laptop bag or a briefcase. Is that necessary? Does using a laptop bag or a brief case look more professional?
Rejected of two rounds of applications and interviews for Counseling Practicum?
I am a master's student in Art therapy and Marriage and Family Therapy. Our program requires more than 750 hours and requires at least 500 of those hours to use art therapy with clients; the rest can be talk therapy. So, there are limited practicum sites that I can apply for. There are limited sites in my area. I am NOW at the point where I am applying to sites that are over a 75 minute driving commute (one way) time. I have gotten rejected twice after interviewing from 2 sites. My first round of applying, I applied to four sites and had two interviews. This round I have applied to 6 sites, and have had two interviews, with one more scheduled. Many sites, filled their positions within a week, that I was not fast enough to even apply for. I am doing all of this work on top of my regular graduate work, work, while having disabilities. I am feeling emotionally defeated and drained. If I can not get a practicum site, then I will not be able to graduate and become licensed. I am furious at the situation. I understand that COVID-19 caused many sites to close for supervision, and now the competition to find a site is very high. How are my less experienced classmates getting hired while I am not? But I am not the only one in this boat, one of my peers it took her three rounds of applying before she got a site, she felt it was partially due to age discrimination. I am wondering where I am going wrong? I am working closely with the practicum director and a career counselor. I did not have this problem when applying for regular jobs, and even the job I am currently at wants to promote me. So what am I doing wrong? I am also working closely with a career coach and the practicum director. I have a website and a digital portfolio, which I have specially for practicum.
How do I boost my resume?
How do I boost my resume as a person who does not have a lot of experience so that employers will hire me? What are the best tips to improve in this area?
How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full-time job?
How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full-time job? I want to be a professional in my field but I also want to enjoy my hobbies to the full. How do I go about this?
is there any way i can improve my communication skills?
i am in 9th grade and its high time i have good speaking skills. i know that's it is extremely important for job interviews and basically leading a successful life. i don't know what to do to improve, i am scared for some reason to "speak up" as i have been told. any tips?? I may also have social anxiety so acting upon these tips are hard.
What skills did you need to improve on Do you have a workout routine, if so do you have any suggestions? What things at home can I do to prepare for the job site? Should I join a union or go to a private business? What tools should I get familiar with/have of my own??
I'm looking to get either into carpentry and or construction looking to move my way up to a manager What skills did you need to improve on?
What do I need to do to keep track of eye contact?
I would focus and be in a quiet place while being with someone I know, my family members, or a friend of mine. Even when I apply a job (part-time or full-time) I need to keep track of eye contact to have an important conversation with the manager at an interview or I won’t get promoted.
Long distance vs close by?
What is the difference between colleges that are farther away from home and colleges only a drive away? What skills will you develop?
When is the best time to start networking and building professional relationships in your desired career field?
When is the best time to start networking and building professional relationships in your desired career field?
Now that I’ve selected a career, how can I stay current?
Note: this question is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform
How can you improve your communication skills and be more confident?
Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student