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Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Mar 28, 2017 1991 views

How do I prepare for interview for an Intership?

I am a junior in college have been applying to summer internships and recently heard back from one that I am very interested in. They want to schedule an interview. I have never had an internship and while I am not under qualified, I'm sure there will be applicants with more experience. That...

Dejaunae’s Avatar
Dejaunae Nov 18, 2021 791 views

What is the difference between a software developer and a software engineer

#software-engineer #technology #computerscience #softwaredeveloper

Sneha’s Avatar
Sneha May 10, 2020 1198 views

Hi. I would like to know what are the technologies/languages I should learn to become a full stack developer?

I am a software engineering student with knowledge in languages such as java, python and C#. I have worked with Sql server and mongodB. #technology #programming #software #computer-software #fullstack

Lera’s Avatar
Lera Nov 29, 2021 729 views

What classes were you required to take in college to become a mechanical engineer?

I'm working on becoming a mechanical engineer but I just want to know what I'm in for before I enroll in a college. #engineer #mechanical-engineering #engineering #college-major #college