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Selvin Cardoza’s Avatar

Selvin Cardoza

Senior Analyst Executive Relations
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Lorton, Virginia
3 Answers
1284 Reads
1 Karma

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Minh’s Avatar
Minh Nov 06, 2018 1066 views

What do Operations Research Analysts do on a daily basis?

I am a junior in high school and interested in applied analytics. #analyst

Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jul 23, 2016 1449 views

Are there any ways changing my social media could help my job applications?

I'm looking for a job as a high schooler and I was wondering if changing certain things about my social media may help my chances of getting a job. I don't post anything questionable or swear, but are there steps to improve my social media to appear more "professional"? #career #school...

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Sep 28, 2013 2904 views

Is it hard to have a boss?

Hi my name is Diego and I'm a freshman. I want to know if it's hard to have a boss. Do you have to do whatever they say, and is it hard to do things you don't agree with? I don't really like doing everything my teachers always say all the time, but I do it anyway because I want good grades. And...