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Sharina Rodriguez, MSN, RN-BC’s Avatar

Sharina Rodriguez, MSN, RN-BC

Registered Nurse
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Brownfield, Texas
2 Answers
1572 Reads
11 Karma

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Engoron’s Avatar
Engoron Jan 23, 2022 915 views

If you've went through an experience where you were dedicated to a major in college for two years, but found another major to be even more fascinating--how did you approach this?

I'm a senior going into college later this year, and was wondering how I should approach this occurrence if it ever pops up in my life! #college #college-major #college-advice

Lareecia’s Avatar
Lareecia Jan 23, 2022 645 views

If I want to take my pre-reqs at the university I also want to get my bsn at how would I do so?

I'm an 11th grader and I'm not sure where or how I can take my pre-reqs at college. #nursingschool #nursing