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Dylan Lobo’s Avatar

Dylan Lobo

Tampa, Florida
3 Answers
27611 Reads
31 Karma


Civic Duty

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Shayla’s Avatar
Shayla May 11, 2016 25106 views

Why did you become an auditor?

I just heard about this job. I'm great with numbers, and do well in math class in high school, but this job sounds kind of boring. Do you like your job as an auditor? Is it really as boring as it sounds staring at spreadsheets and numbers all day? I'd also like to hear why you chose to become...

Annalyse’s Avatar
Annalyse May 13, 2016 1141 views

How do you select a career that is economically aspiring as well as fulfulling?

I am attempting to figure out the career path that I wish to take that will allow me to feel fulfilled and enspired as well as keeps me financially stable.

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike May 13, 2016 1298 views

Is it okay to attend a college even though you're not sure if you'll be able to pay it off?

I'm going to a REALLY expensive art school and even though my parents tell me not to worry, I worry about putting my family in debt. :( #college #finance #art #money