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Joy Clarisse

Charlotte, North Carolina
2 Questions
276 Karma

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Joy Clarisse’s Avatar
Joy Clarisse May 13, 2016 1463 views

How did you get to be successful in youth ministry?

I am going to college to get an M. Div in Pastoral Studies and I plan to be a youth minister. How do I make sure I can be successful in this? #leadership #youth #ministry #youth-ministry #youth-leadership #christian #ordained-ministry #youth-advocacy

Joy Clarisse’s Avatar
Joy Clarisse May 13, 2016 3749 views

What advice do you have for an aspiring leader?

In the program I'm going into for college, I am a part of a cohort. We are expected to show and learn about leadership qualities. What can I do to further my leadership? #leadership #leader #youth #leaders #youth-leadership #student-leadership #leading-people #leading-teams