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2 Questions
31 Karma

Jayden’s Career Goals

A few of my career goals are, longevity and growth in the workplace, Being able to retire comfortably and affordably, to be in a managerial position overtime and be able to work with and manage good and respectful workers. another one of my long term career goals is being able to not only to manage people but to also manage a company.

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Jayden Mar 22, 2022 405 views

facilities maintenance/electrical-what are some tools that come in handy the most, and what tools are most reliable for a slew of tasks on the job

also what are some skills that will take me a long way in my career

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Mar 22, 2022 438 views

what are some things in facilities maintenance that take time getting used too.

I would also like to know some things that will help me in a job after trade