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William Hurt’s Avatar

William Hurt

Senior Developer At New Relic
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
4 Answers
3287 Reads
11 Karma



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Simon’s Avatar
Simon Mar 28, 2022 1256 views

why do software engineers make so much money?

senior looking forward to becoming a software engineer. curious on why their salary is so high and why they are so needed...

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Apr 08, 2022 711 views

Should I do a CS bootcamp during my freshman year of college or take a gap year after high school to do it?

I tend to be comfortable handling heavy work loads but at the same time I don't want to get too stressed out. But I have gotten advice from someone that works in IT that did a bootcamp while in college, they've encouraged me to do the same and that there's no need to take a gap year for it. I...

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Apr 17, 2022 887 views

To people who work in IT, did you love coding when you first started but now feel like you lost interest in it?

Lately I've been coding very often and I realized it was something I really enjoyed doing. It's fun creating projects and seeing how I can make them work. I'm afraid if I make it as my job, it will become something I dread doing.

Sian’s Avatar
Sian Apr 19, 2022 639 views

Do I have to be really good with computers to be an information security analyzer?

I know how to do basics on computers, but I do not think I am all that tech-savvy.