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Brayden’s Avatar


Canton, Georgia
5 Questions
321 Karma

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Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 28, 2022 914 views

What is the best way to meet other programmers and learn from them?

Are there any groups I can join or websites I can go to and find others to teach or learn from?

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 28, 2022 1671 views

What kind of companies would hire a computer programmer?

Where would a computer programmer get hired and what skills would they be looking for?

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 28, 2022 2832 views

What entry level jobs could I take while studying computer programming in college?

What jobs would help me become a better programmer while still learning in college?

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 28, 2022 1641 views

What are some good classes to take in college for a computer programmer?

What would be good majors/minors to take in college to help prepare you to become a computer programmer?

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 28, 2022 1549 views

What is the best coding language to learn as a computer programmer?

If you have to learn multiple different types of coding languages, what would be the best one to learn that would help you to learn other languages a lot easier.