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Felix’s Avatar


New York, New York
3 Questions
179 Karma

Felix’s Career Goals

I want to become a business owner of a gun shop after years of having my business up I want to move to Mexico city with my girlfriend because we think Mexico its great city to lay back and relax I also want to invest in some stock such as Amazon and Bitcoin.



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Felix’s Avatar
Felix May 24, 2022 501 views

what building do you need to go to do sanitary in nyc

i want to be a waste man because I heard they make good money and that's my goal to make the least amount of money so I can move to Mexico city

Felix’s Avatar
Felix May 03, 2022 753 views

How can you start your career?

Sometimes to have a career you'll need to go to collage but in my case i don't want to go how can I start my career without having to go to collage?

Felix’s Avatar
Felix Apr 29, 2022 506 views

Where do you go if you want to be a garbage man

I've been thinking of being a garbage man but I don't know where to go so I can get hired in nyc.