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Alexis Davis’s Avatar

Alexis Davis

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Reidsville, North Carolina
3 Answers
1227 Reads
21 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 02, 2023 398 views

What college classes do I need to take to become a licensed pharmacist?

I know that you need to take biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics along with getting a PharmD but I was wondering what other classes are required.

Jazmyne’s Avatar
Jazmyne May 25, 2016 1261 views

Are there many scholarships and grants to go to pharmacy school?

I am about to enter my junior year in college as a chemistry major, and I am unsure if I'll be able pay for the program without obtaining a huge amount of death. I have seen many scholarships opportunities for medical students, but not for pharmacy students. Are there limited competitive...

David’s Avatar
David Nov 08, 2022 583 views

How would I be able to get my professional degree to become a pharmacists?

What are the steps I need to take? What are the requirements i need to meet? How and Where would I begin?