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Shelbie Brown’s Avatar

Shelbie Brown

Education Specialist
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Jackson, Tennessee
4 Answers
2395 Reads
11 Karma

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Zacquran’s Avatar
Zacquran May 26, 2022 647 views

What are some jobs that will allowed me to spend time as dentist assisant

I am a Junior in High School. I am passionate about being a dental assistant and attractive helping outpatients take care and support. I want to help out my co-worker in however producing work area.

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah May 02, 2022 511 views

Biomedical Engineers was it worth the time?

Was all the college and schooling worth it?

daesean’s Avatar
daesean May 16, 2022 715 views

how could i identify potential new markets and creating new plans to enter a market good enough for me?

how can i have good time management and organization skills in order to plan and execute both large and small marketing projects and initiatives

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 23, 2022 714 views

What would i major in to become a good entrepreneur?

I dont know what to major in even though one of the options is entrepreneurship. Do I choose that as a major or something else.