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2 Questions
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Jennifer’s Career Goals

Student has not yet added Career Goals Statement

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer May 17, 2016 3172 views

Do employers look at all of the courses a student takes throughout college, or mostly the ones pertaining to their specific major?

I am a college student trying to figure out what I want to major in. I want to know if taking extra courses that are not necessarily major-specific (electives) matter when applying for jobs after graduation. #college-major #job-search

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer May 17, 2016 1205 views

Are those with just a bachelor's degree in Business as able to get jobs as those with a master's degree?

I am a college student planning on changing my major to Business but I have not decided which specific area to study. I am asking this question to see if working for a master's degree would be more beneficial for the student. #business #choosing-a-major