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Daisy Diaz’s Avatar

Daisy Diaz

Product Owner
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Yorktown Heights, New York
2 Answers
1397 Reads
1 Karma

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ALFIDA’s Avatar
ALFIDA Jun 22, 2022 769 views

How do you pick a career?

I dont know what to do

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Apr 04, 2022 867 views

Career-wise, what sort of balance should I strike between passion and money?

This upcoming fall, I will be going off to college and there has been a lot of pressure from family and other adults for me to choose a major that will help me eventually land job that makes a lot of money. I'm still very unsure about where I want to take my future and I want to keep exploring,...