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Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 Questions
56 Karma

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Ariel May 18, 2016 1278 views

Which colleges in Florida or out of state, are well known for their dermatology programs or majors?

I want to one day be the best dermatologist in Florida, therefore if I can attend the best college for dermatology- that can be accomplished. #college-majors #dermatology #dermatologist

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Ariel May 18, 2016 1096 views

Do I need to still attend medical school to fulfill a career as a Dermatologist?

I've done some research but haven't found a definite answer if medical schooling is a requirement to become a Dermatologist. I love skin care products, and it's my dream to create my own line to help people feel confident in their own skin. -school #dermatology #skin-care-products #science...