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Montgomery, Texas
2 Questions
76 Karma

Inayah’s Career Goals

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Inayah’s Avatar
Inayah May 18, 2016 1793 views

Can you play sports, join a sorority, and be in ROTC all at the same time?

I am asking this question because I want to run track in college, but I also want to join a sorority. If i do not get a full scholarship in track I want to join ROTC to pay for my tuition. I know that all of these things take up alot of time, but I just want to know if its possible....

Inayah’s Avatar
Inayah May 18, 2016 1060 views

How do I know which type of college to go to?

I am a rising senior and im trying to start looking at the types of colleges I would like to go to but I'm not really sure what to look for. There so many colleges to choose from and I want to choose the best for me.