Career questions tagged collegiate-athlete

What academic benefits do scholar athletes receive ?
I am looking into the recruitment process and want to know more about the things offered under this status. #scholar-athletes #sports #collegiate-athlete

Is it hard to manage playing a sport and being in college for nursing?
I am being recruited to run cross country and track in college and also will major in nursing. One coach flat out told me that nursing student runners do not last, but every other coach has not had a problem. I am looking to find advice from actual students. #nursing #nurse #registered-nurses #athletics #athlete #collegiate-athlete #student-recruiting #cross-country

How hard is it to get an internship and be a student-athlete in college?
Is it possible to intern while playing a varsity sport in college? How hard is it to manage your time as a student-athlete? #internships #time-management #athletics #collegiate-athlete

What is the best major to do in a STEM career while being a student athlete in college?
I am planning on running track and cross country in college so I am somewhat worried about the work load for someone who may want to pursue a pre med major or related. #medicine #collegiate-athlete

Does anyone have advice for college athletes majoring in STEM subjects when labs and athletic practices may conflict?
I will be playing a sport for my school and, while my coach is very much academically focused and will support any afternoon labs I have, I know there will be some conflicts between those labs and our athletic practices. I am curious if anyone has any creative ideas for making sure that I can give my best to both my studies as well as my team. #college-major #sports #collegiate-athlete

How can i become better at basketball?
I wanna get better agt basketball to play in college #sports #basketball #athletics #coaching #collegiate-athlete #knowledge-management

What degrees do football players study?
I want to be a football player #college-major #football #athletics #collegiate-athlete

Can you play sports, join a sorority, and be in ROTC all at the same time?
I am asking this question because I want to run track in college, but I also want to join a sorority. If i do not get a full scholarship in track I want to join ROTC to pay for my tuition. I know that all of these things take up alot of time, but I just want to know if its possible. #united-states-navy #collegiate-athlete #student-athletes