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Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Dec 11, 2018 1103 views

What are some great programs to watch in Spanish to help improve my fluency?

I would like to know of some great shows (preferably on Netflix) that I could watch to improve my comprehension of Spanish and my fluency.

#college, #Spanish, #learning

jeami’s Avatar
jeami Aug 23, 2018 887 views

Should one take advantage of Study Abroad programs?

Many claim it's a nice experience to have, however ​is it worth the expenses and traveling a far distance for a long period of time? #StudyAbroad

Bartholomew Davis IV’s Avatar
Bartholomew Davis IV May 03, 2022 697 views

What movie have you watched that the directing of it blew you away?

I am doing some research on the career of Producers/Directors.

Shaina’s Avatar
Shaina Apr 04, 2022 1065 views

How can I have experience in the Project Management field?

I am going to be a project manager in the future and I'm currently working on my passion project. Should I make a project management proposal with documentation to display the efforts of the "passion project" I've done? If so, Can you suggest sites or resources on how to make a project proposal?