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Mario Colorado’s Avatar

Mario Colorado

Controller - Enterprise Networking at Dell
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
3 Answers
11319 Reads
31 Karma

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Kathleen’s Avatar
Kathleen May 17, 2016 1987 views

What can you do with a Bachelor's degree in Economics?

I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Economics with a minor in Business, what kind of career options are there for Econ majors? #business #finance #accounting #economics #investment

Marcus’s Avatar
Marcus Mar 15, 2016 2893 views

What skillsets should someone inerested in a career in finance have?

I'm thinking about a career in finance because i'm really good at math, but i'm wondering what additional skills I should have to really be successful in that industry? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Derrin’s Avatar
Derrin Mar 15, 2016 6398 views

Is working in finance stressful?

There are a lot of movies out there about finance and almost always they show a really intense and stressful work environment. That is exciting but it is also really intimidating. How much of that portrayal is just Hollywood vs. really a reflection of real life in the finance industry? #finance...